
Indoor Air Quality

Do you suffer from allergies?

Are you concerned about contaminants in your air?

“Indoor air quality” refers to the quality of the air in a home, school, office, or other building environment. According to a study by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), on average, Americans spend 90% of their time indoors. So, it’s vital that we all work to improve the quality of the indoor air we breathe.

To learn more about our Indoor Air Quality Services, CONTACT US today!

To understand why many of today's health problems can be caused by the home you live in or the office you work at, you need to look back a few years to see what caused this to happen. During the energy crisis of the early 1970s, highly insulated "tight" spaces became popular because of their potential to reduce energy costs. Within a few years, however, complaints started to arise, due to health, and excessive moisture issues caused by indoor pollution, and associated moisture problems within these “tight” spaces.

In the late 1980s and early 90s, indoor air quality became a nationally recognized issue. Even today, newer and more energy-efficient homes seemed predisposed to the problem. In addition, they retain more humidity and airborne pollutants, which causes longer life-spans, and more productive cycles of microbial activity within the home or office, such as mold, germs, bacteria and viruses.

Natural Air & IAQ, is dedicated to helping home and business owners achieve healthy, clean indoor air. IAQ improvement begins with an IAQ Assessment. Depending on your conditions, several options may need to be considered –our IAQ Experts will provide you with recommendations for indoor air quality services designed to clean and purify the air you breather.

Recommended IAQ Services May Include:

Air Duct Replacement

Your home or office may look clean; but your HVAC System could be distributing mold, bacteria, and dust hidden within your air ducts into your indoor air. Our professional technicians at can inspect your ductwork and provide recommendations to clean, repair or replace as necessary to prevent the contamination of your home.

Air Filter Replacement

Changing air filters regularly—at least once a month for typical filters—improves air quality inside your home, cuts down on energy use, and prevents damage while prolonging the life of your heating and cooling system by reducing resistance.

Air Purification Systems

Air cleaners improve air quality by removing harmful pollutants such as smoke, mold, viruses, pet dander and allergens. System installed air purifiers are more effective than portable varieties and can be added to your heating or cooling system to trap and filter pollutants. They often include features such as Ionization technology for improved filtration of the smallest particles; carbon filtration for gaseous pollutants; and UV light for disinfection.

Humidity Control

Florida’s high temperature & humidity can increase the levels of indoor pollutants. Controlling mold with a whole-house dehumidifier can help reduce allergy-causing mold and mildew. Used in conjunction with your existing HVAC System, whole-house dehumidifiers remove excess moisture from the air in your home, improving indoor air quality.

Ultraviolet UVC & PCO Systems

UVC and PCO are ultraviolet light systems that kill and sanitize indoor air contaminants and pollution. Each are installed in an HVAC system to further clean the air being circulated in a space.


Bringing fresh air into a home or business can help to freshen the air and remove indoor contaminants. Ventilation via window fans, attic fans, energy-efficient heat recovery, and whole-house ventilators not only boosts indoor air quality, they keep your space more comfortable.

How Can You Improve Indoor Air Quality on Your Own?

There are additional steps you can take to improve the indoor air quality of your home or business:
  • Using portable HEPA filters
  • Vacuuming and cleaning – Daily vacuuming and dusting can control larger particles. However, the smallest particles—the cause of the most irritation—can only be removed with filtering devices.
  • Choosing low-VOC paints, varnishes and finishes
  • Avoiding chemical-laden cleaning products, insecticides, incense and artificial candles.
  • Add House Plants – several species are natural air cleaners

There’s nothing more important than the health and safety of your family, friends, and colleagues. Do everything you can to reduce their exposure to dangerous indoor air pollution with IAQ services from Natural Air & IAQ. Our IAQ Experts will work with you to find the solution, or combination of solutions, that are right for you space.